Have you ever wanted to know exactly how many calories you have burned while power walking? Have you wondered how far you ran on your last exercise jog? Many pedometers do this, but what if you wanted to compare these results with what you did yesterday, and the day before? Even if you are not a data-driven runner, the Nike+ iPod Sport Kit puts together a system that enhances your run, power-walk, or just a long walk while in sync with music from your iPod nano duromine Australia.
Fitness and working out will never be the same again Genf20 plus reviews. The technology now is remarkable and Nike and Apple have outdone themselves. Even though this system using the Nike + iPod Sport Kit is unique to these companies, more will surely follow. For now, getting to understand the technology will put you miles ahead when other competing products hit the market Ligandrol Australia.
Basically, it’s simple. Put the sensor from your sport kit into your modified Nike shoe. Hook up your iPod. Plug in…and go! Your iPod tracks in detail your exact results Ibutamoren Australia. It monitors the calories you have burned in your run. It can tell you how far you ran in distance. You can even set your music to run at a tempo in sync with your run!